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Flotilla 12-8 History & Archives

On this page you find a guide to photographs and descriptions of previous events for Flotilla 12-8 and for the Citadel Detachment. Because the history of Flotilla 12-8 dates back to 1965, the archives section will be a work in progress as more information is added. If you look at the column to your left and click on the right arrow next to the archives button, it will take you to the photo section. It is organized in increments between ten to thirty years each. If you have photos and information from a previous event and would like to see it posted on our website, please feel free to contact our webmaster. We are always looking for additional items to include on this section. The photo to the right is of Marguerite Bishop, and was taken from the Charleston Post & Courier in 1988.

There are also links to a variety of US Coast Guard historical references. In particular, the Coast Guard Historian's homepage contains a vast wealth of knowledge dating back to the founding of our nation. If you're a big history buff, I highly recommend bookmarking it for future visits. This section of our website is dedicated to Marguerite Bishop (shown in above-right photo), whose love of history, dedication to Flotilla 12-8, and collection of photo albums made this possible.



US Lifesaving Service Crew, late 1800's 


US Coast Guard history Prior to 1950